Funny would you rather
Funny would you rather

Would you rather have to eat dessert at every meal or never eat dessert again? Would you rather have the only beverage you can drink be water or the only food you can eat be salad? Would you rather never be able to throw away food again (even if it’s gone bad or you’re really full), or have to throw away half of everything you make / order / buy?

funny would you rather

Would you rather eat an ounce of someone’s hair or drink an ounce of someone’s pee? Would you rather eat all your food cold or all your food hot? Would you rather give up meat or give up fruit? Would you rather have to cook every meal you’ll ever eat or go out to eat for every meal? Would you rather eat raw onion or two raw heads of garlic?

#Funny would you rather free#

Would you rather eat everything in your fridge right now, all by yourself, and then have free groceries for a year, or not do that, but have to pay an extra 10% on all your grocery bills for a year? Would you rather have to eat one jar of jam every day for the rest of your life, or never be able to eat bread again? Would you rather eat only fruit or vegetables for one year? Would you rather have to move cities every year (and never return) or never be able to leave the city you were born in?įood / Eating Food Would You Rather Questions Would you rather lose your passport or lose your wallet? Would you rather live out of a car or live on a boat? Would you rather have the ability to speak every language in the world, but never be able to read them, or read all languages in the world but never be able to speak them? Would you rather never set foot in your home country again, but be able to travel the world, or stay in your country forever and never be able to leave? Would you rather take one vocation that lasts four weeks or four vocations that last one week? Travel / Environment Travel Would You Rather Questions So without further ado: forty-five Would You Rather Questions, broken up into a few different sections. Would You Rather? Makes us articulate beliefs and preferences and values in a way that really lends itself to bonding. It’s also something I love to do with friends or coworkers, particularly those who I might not know as well. (My dad said he’d give up pizza for a year what kind of monster could do that?) That car trip passed faster than any other in living memory, and now it’s a family tradition.

funny would you rather

I sat there, seatbelted into the family sedan, thinking about whether I’d rather eat pizza every day for a year or give up pizza for a year, and then debated my answer with my family. One year, to cut the tension and help pass time on the long drive to my aunt’s house for Christmas dinner, my sister started asking us Would You Rather Questions. What can I say? We’re not very patient people. My family cannot spend more than one hour in a car together without someone’s life being threatened.

Funny would you rather